David Potyondy
Senior Geomechanics and Software Engineer
Dr. Potyondy has developed and applied both continuum and discontinuum models to represent damage and flow processes on both a macro- and a micro-scale.
He has directed development of the PFC codes, has developed the structural-element logic in the FLAC3D code and has developed novel techniques for applying micro-mechanical discontinuum models to fracture-related boundary-value problems, including the prediction of excavation damage produced by stress, temperature and stress corrosion.
Derrick Blanksma
Geotechnical Engineer
Mr. Blanksma develops numerical modeling software for engineering applications. His area of expertise includes finite volume/difference and discrete element numerical methods. His experience includes GUI development for building meshes in continuum codes. Additionally, he has helped in the development of the 2D continuum code FLAC2D. The projects included implementing the Dynamics, and most recently, the Interface functionality in the code.